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Soccer Made Simple (An American's Guide to Soccer)

Soccer is the world's sport, but there are many people who are still on the outside looking in. This newsletter is made for the soccer clueless or curious. Follow me on twitter @danielofdc and visit my website at

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Filtering by Tag: Transfer Window

The Wolves of FIFA Street

Daniel Wise

Maybe you didn't feel a draft, figuratively speaking, but a metaphorical window was just closed ending a wild, month-long spending spree for soccer clubs around the world. I'm talking about the winter transfer window, which is one of two opportunities for billionaires to buy, sell, or trade millionaires on an open market of soccer talent. Being that soccer is a worldwide sport and off-seasons vary by continents, there is a winter transfer window and a summer transfer window. In less cynical terms, this is a time when clubs that are halfway through their league competitions can bolster their roster, loan out younger, inexperienced talent, and fill in position gaps plagued by injuries. This week's article is going to be a short look at the business side of soccer. Let's have a look at...

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