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Soccer Made Simple (An American's Guide to Soccer)

Soccer is the world's sport, but there are many people who are still on the outside looking in. This newsletter is made for the soccer clueless or curious. Follow me on twitter @danielofdc and visit my website at

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Filtering by Category: Soccer Culture

Somewhere You Belong - The Story of US Soccer and the American Outlaws

Daniel Wise

It’s going to be a wild summer for US Soccer. This week I’m covering two aspects of American soccer culture that can help you get in on the ground level of soccer fandom. I’m talking about the American Outlaws. They’re the official supporter group for the men’s national team, and it’s a great start for non-fans to catch terminal soccer fever. The American Outlaws may not consist of actual Outlaws, but the group is full of fanatical supporters who travel far and wide to bring their energy to the men’s and women’s national teams. Most of all, this is a group where you can find your inner soccer lover. In three short words, it’s...

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Full Hearts. Loud Voices. Strong Drums.

Daniel Wise

You can hear them from miles away. It starts with a low rumble of a drum and a cacophony of songs and chants of an almost religious nature. A wall of sound develops brick-by-brick from each individual person contributing their own loud voice to the chorus. It's the middle of the summer, but these people brandish colorful scarves. It's not Independence day, but smoke and flares a set alight to create a chaotic, but joyful scene. They are traveling to their cathedral where they will share a spiritual 90 minutes with each other, reciting their songs, and, if all goes right, performing several beer baptisms. This week's article, and to a certain extent the newsletter issue you're reading, it about the fans who freely give of their time, energy, and support to their local soccer clubs. After reading, you will know them by their...

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