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Soccer Made Simple (An American's Guide to Soccer)

Soccer is the world's sport, but there are many people who are still on the outside looking in. This newsletter is made for the soccer clueless or curious. Follow me on twitter @danielofdc and visit my website at

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Filtering by Tag: US Soccer

America's Warrior Women

Daniel Wise

This week I am writing about the 2019 Women's World Cup, which starts next Friday. Twenty-four teams will play in two phases starting with a round-robin style group stage where the best of those teams will move on to a knock-out tournament stage. The United States are in Group F with Thailand, Chile, and Sweden. France and Korea open the festivities on Friday and then the United States have their first match on June 11 against Thailand. It's going to be an exciting month of soccer and this will be your primer for the 2019 Women's World Cup. I'll walk you through the tournament format from the group stage to the tournament and help you get to know the women who will be looking to repeat greatness. So find your favorite reading spot and get to know...

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The Structure of World Soccer

Daniel Wise

FIFA is more than the title of the popular soccer video game series. It’s the governing body that makes the soccer world go ‘round for better or for worse. Without structure, you wouldn’t have the kind of cooperation that happens between nations that compete against each other or within their domestic leagues. Thanks to my unique professional experience, I’m able to break down these levels of governance and provide insight into the wild world of Association Football.

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Meet Major League Soccer: Soccer's Best Hope in America Since 1993

Daniel Wise

There was a time when soccer was poised to become the next great American sport. The North American Soccer League was that platform for teams and players to enter the pantheon of athletic greatness. But something happened. Maybe a fervor of anti-communist rhetoric had kept the sport born of the working class from taking a foothold. Perhaps a cabal of capitalist pig millionaires had conspired to quash incoming competition. Maybe America just had too many sports for people to care about. When the NASL died shortly after its founding, America was devoid of professional soccer on a major level. That was until 1993 when the US Soccer Federation won a bid for the 1994 FIFA World Cup and established Major League Soccer. The league kicked off last week, so now is a good time to...

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Somewhere You Belong - The Story of US Soccer and the American Outlaws

Daniel Wise

It’s going to be a wild summer for US Soccer. This week I’m covering two aspects of American soccer culture that can help you get in on the ground level of soccer fandom. I’m talking about the American Outlaws. They’re the official supporter group for the men’s national team, and it’s a great start for non-fans to catch terminal soccer fever. The American Outlaws may not consist of actual Outlaws, but the group is full of fanatical supporters who travel far and wide to bring their energy to the men’s and women’s national teams. Most of all, this is a group where you can find your inner soccer lover. In three short words, it’s...

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