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Soccer Made Simple (An American's Guide to Soccer)

Soccer is the world's sport, but there are many people who are still on the outside looking in. This newsletter is made for the soccer clueless or curious. Follow me on twitter @danielofdc and visit my website at

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Filtering by Tag: Atlanta United FC

Meet Major League Soccer: Soccer's Best Hope in America Since 1993

Daniel Wise

There was a time when soccer was poised to become the next great American sport. The North American Soccer League was that platform for teams and players to enter the pantheon of athletic greatness. But something happened. Maybe a fervor of anti-communist rhetoric had kept the sport born of the working class from taking a foothold. Perhaps a cabal of capitalist pig millionaires had conspired to quash incoming competition. Maybe America just had too many sports for people to care about. When the NASL died shortly after its founding, America was devoid of professional soccer on a major level. That was until 1993 when the US Soccer Federation won a bid for the 1994 FIFA World Cup and established Major League Soccer. The league kicked off last week, so now is a good time to...

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